Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Updates to charges of Entrance Fee and Fee for license

There has been significant increase in the application fee for the driving licence lately.

For Two Wheelers (motorcycle / scooter / moped) it has been Rs. 500 per application for Entrance while for obtaining licence the fee has been increased to Rs. 1500. Previously it was Rs. 200 for entrance while for licence it was Rs. 1500.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Written Examination with sample Questions

The sample questions for the Motorcycle written exam are given below.
In a written exam, a total of 20 questions are asked where 2 are subjective and the rest 18 are objective.
To pass the exam, at least 1 of 2 subjective and 9 of 18 objective questions must be answered correctly. An applicant fails even if s/he fails to answer the required questions correctly.

The following are 10 sets of sample questions for Motorcycle. For scooters, it is similar.
The file is obtained from Traffic Police.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to obtain a driving licence in Nepal? (नेपालमा चालक अनुमतिपत्र पाउने प्रकृया)

Obtaining a driving license in Nepal isn't an easy task. You have to spend over 7 days visit over a month if successful in first attempt else additional 3 months with failure in Written or you can give 3 times in 90 days if failed in the trial only.

1. Form Filling and Submission (along with Signature scan, photo, and fingerprint scan, health test, tax submission)
2. Written Exam
3. Trial Exam
4. Get License

The following document is expected to help you know the process in detail.
तलको फाइलले तपाइलाई प्रकृया बुझ्न सहयोग गर्नेछ भन्ने मैले आश गरेको छु|

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